Saturday, June 9, 2012

And here we are. I've made a blog.

It's been a long time coming. I have way too much stuff in my life that I feel the need to share with people; and posting it on the Facebooks just isn't doin' it for me anymore. That, and I'm totally jealous of Kristina's blog, Sweetfern Handmade.

So here it is. My blog. I know you're excited. I know you can hardly wait to see all the awesome stuff I'm going to post on here. I know that you're dying to see pictures of my cats, posts about all the delicious food that Sean and I make, my wedding plans, and pictures of my garden. 

Well, that will have to wait. Because today, I am only going to tell you how this blog got its name. 

When you decide to make a blog, that's the first thing you have to do: come up with something catchy. I'm great at naming animals. I mean, come on. Jacques? Uter? Those are great names for cats. My future dog will be named Leonard. Or... Horace. But naming a blog? Ugh. I didn't know what to name my blog.How would I avoid naming my blog something dumb?

My mind works in mysterious ways. And by mysterious, I mean that random memories sometimes slam me in the face at the precise moment when I most need to come up with something fantastic.

Blog-naming-time was one of those moments. I suddenly and randomly remembered this:

Once, I went to visit my sister, Lindsey, in Troy. She has two cats-- Jasper and Shirlena. They are fat and spoiled just like my two cats. 

Here is Jasper. In a plastic bag, as usual.

So anyway, we're there visiting-- having a beer, dancing like uncoordinated ninjas in front of Lindsey's xBox Kinect-- when Jasper walks through the living room. Lindsey stopped what she was doing, bent down to pick up the cat, mashed him across her face, took a huge whiff, dropped the cat back down, continued dancing like nothing had happened, and said "yep. Still smells like kittens."

When you randomly remember something this awesome at such an important moment in your life as blog-naming-time, you should take it as a sign. So I did. Into the "Title of Blog" box, I typed "Smells Like Kittenz." Perfect.

Good thing I didn't name my blog something dumb.

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